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Technology Resources

Australian Curriculum: Design and Technology

Year 5 and 6 Content Descriptors

Knowledge and Understanding

Investigate characteristics and properties of a range of materials, systems, components, tools and equipment and evaluate the impact of their use.


Elaboration: comparing the design and production of products, services and environments in Australia and a country in the Asia region



Processors and Production Skills


Develop project plans that include consideration of resources when making designed solutions individually and collaboratively.


10 week unit: Design your way to graduation
Australian Curriculum: Digital Technology

Year 5 and 6 Content Descriptors

Knowledge and Understanding

Examine how whole numbers are used to represent all data in digital systems.


Processors and Production Skills

Plan, create and communicate ideas and information, including collaboratively online, applying agreed ethical, social and technical protocols.


Elaborations: developing a set of ‘rules’ about appropriate conduct, language and content when communicating online, and using these rules as a basis for resolving ethical dilemmas


6 week unit: Unlocking Your Classroom Rules

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